General Weather Forecast for today

Partly to generally cloudy in the country. Light to moderate rain with thunder and lightning is likely to occur at some places of the country.

General Weather Forecast for tonight

Partly to generally cloudy in the country. Light to moderate rain with thunder and lightning is likely to occur at a few places of the country.

Meteorological Analysis

हाल मनसुन न्यून चापीय रेखा औसत स्थान भन्दा केही दक्षिणतिर रहेको छ। बिगत २०७८ आश्विन ८ गते (२०२१ सेप्टेम्बर २४ तारिक) मा बंगालको खाडीमा गहिरो न्यून चापिय क्षेत्र (deep depression) बन्न शुरु भई आश्विन ९ गते (सेप्टेम्बर २५ तारिक) मा बनेको “गुलाब” नामक शक्तिशाली चक्रवात‍को हिजो राती आश्विन १० गते (२६ तारिक) मा उडिसाको जमिनमा अवतरण (landfall) भईसकेको छ। यसको अप्रत्यक्ष परिधीय (periferal) असरका कारण नेपालमा आंशिक देखि सामान्य बदलीको अवस्था हुन सक्ने तर यसको असरका कारण देशमा भारी वर्षा हुने संभावमा भने न्यून रहेको जानकारी अवगत गराउन चाहन्छौं।

Special Weather Forecast

मौसम पूर्वानुमान बुलेटिन

City Forecast
CityFor todayFor tonight
WeatherMax Temp. (°C)Rain Prob. (%)WeatherMin Temp. (°C)Rain Prob. (%)
DipayalPartly cloudy with brief thundershowers20 - 2240Partly cloudy with brief thundershowers32 - 3440
DhangadiPartly Cloudy23 - 25Partly Cloudy29 - 31
BirendranagarPartly cloudy with brief thundershowers21 - 2340Partly cloudy with brief thundershowers29 - 3130
JumlaPartly cloudy with brief thundershowers13 - 1540Partly cloudy with brief thundershowers20 - 2230
GhorahiPartly cloudy with brief thundershowers21 - 2330Partly cloudy with brief thundershowers26 - 2840
PokharaPartly cloudy with brief thundershowers21 - 2340Partly cloudy with brief thundershowers29 - 3140
BhairahawaPartly Cloudy24 - 26Partly Cloudy32 - 34
KathmanduPartly cloudy with brief thundershowers18 - 2040Partly cloudy with brief thundershowers28 - 3040
OkhaldhungaPartly cloudy with brief thundershowers16 - 1830Partly cloudy with brief thundershowers23 - 2540
DhankutaPartly cloudy with brief thundershowers18 - 2040Partly cloudy with brief thundershowers28 - 3040
BiratnagarPartly Cloudy24 - 26Partly Cloudy33 - 35
JanakpurPartly Cloudy24 - 26Partly Cloudy33 - 35