General Weather Forecast for today

Partly to generally cloudy throughout the country. Light rain is likely to occur at a few places in the country. Chances of light snowfall at some places of the high mountaineous region.

General Weather Forecast for tonight

Partly to generally cloudy in the hilly regions and partly cloudy in the rest of the country. Light rain is likely to occur at a few places of the hilly regions.

Meteorological Analysis

नेपालमा पश्चिमी न्युन चापीय प्रणालीको प्रभाव विस्तारै कम भई मौसममा क्रमिक रुपमा सुधार हुंदै जाने क्रममा रहेको छ।

Special Weather Forecast

मौसम पुर्वानुमान बुलेटिन

Weather Records for Kathmandu (0545 NPT)

Air Temperature: 6.4°C

Relative Humidity: 100%

Today's (2020-01-18)

Sunrise: 06:56

Sunset: 17:33

City Forecast
CityFor todayFor tonight
WeatherMax Temp. (°C)Rain Prob. (%)WeatherMin Temp. (°C)Rain Prob. (%)
DipayalGenerally cloudy with rain19 - 2160Generally cloudy with rain10 - 1220
BirendranagarGenerally cloudy with rain15 - 1760Generally cloudy with rain9 - 1120
PokharaGenerally cloudy with rain14 - 1660Generally cloudy with rain8 - 1040
KathmanduGenerally cloudy with rain14 - 1640Generally cloudy with rain4 - 640
DhankutaGenerally cloudy with rain15 - 1740Generally cloudy with rain8 - 1060