General Weather Forecast for today

Partly cloudy throughout the country but chances of becoming generally cloudy towards afternoon. Light to moderate rain is likely to occur at some places in the country.

General Weather Forecast for tonight

Generally cloudy throughout the country. Light to moderate rain is possible at some places in the country , chances of heavy rainfall at one or two places of the country.

Meteorological Analysis

Special Weather Forecast

Weather Records for Kathmandu (0545 NPT)

Air Temperature: 20°C

Relative Humidity: 112%

Today's (2018-08-08)

Sunrise: 05:31

Sunset: 18:49

City Forecast
CityFor todayFor tonight
WeatherMax Temp. (°C)Rain Prob. (%)WeatherMin Temp. (°C)Rain Prob. (%)
DipayalGenerally cloudy with rain32 - 3460Generally cloudy with rain22 - 2470
BirendranagarGenerally cloudy with rain29 - 3160Generally cloudy with rain22 - 2460
PokharaGenerally cloudy with rain31 - 3370Generally cloudy with rain21 - 2370
KathmanduPartly cloudy with rain30 - 3260Generally cloudy with rain19 - 2170
DhankutaGenerally cloudy with rain26 - 2860Generally cloudy with rain20 - 2270